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Dan Kennedy – Field Trip Spy Tapes 19 CD + Videos


Dan Kennedy – Field Trip Spy Tapes 19 CD + Videos

Finally! At Dan Kennedy’s urging, the ultimate ‘online’ and ‘offline’ marketing experience comes straight into your living room via these exclusive, top-secret “Spy-Cam Video Tapes”!With these NEW “Spy Tapes”, we come to you — there’s NO expensive seminars to attend, NO flights to take, NO hotels to reserve.

Imagine having a “Spy-Cam” inside a hugely successful direct marketer’s office, eavesdropping on the staff, seeing exactly how he advertises, generates leads, selects winning mailing lists, promotes his Websites, does FAX blasts, does e-mail blasts, takes orders and gets lightning fast results, works with vendors,see and hear EVERY detail, watch every move made interrogate every staff member…

 ‘SPY’ on every move and see how he rakes in as much as $10,000.00a day using very smart Internet and direct marketing techniques…

‘STEAL’ his secrets to duplicate his success for YOUR business,regardless of what business you’re in.

Fewer than 60 people got exactly this unprecedented insider opportunity this year. You missed it. Now get it delivered to you.


Dear Friend,

Maybe you’ve been “getting ready to get going” with some kind of Internet marketing or direct marketing campaign or project… but you haven’t been able to actually get going, yet. Maybe you feel overwhelmed by all the details of “getting started” — you understand everything conceptually, but need the nitty-gritty blanks filled in.

Well, guess what? The excuses and delays end here. Because, with these brand new “SPY TAPES,” you get to spend one-on-one time with me, Dan Kennedy, John Alanis, and my staff. On these tapes, we show you exactly how I make up to $10,000.00 a day with Internet and direct marketing. And you’ll witness it live, insidemy office. With this new information, there’s absolutely NO reason why you shouldn’t immediately begin earning an extra $10,000.00, $25,000.00, $50,000.00, or more PER MONTH, when you use my highly successful, extremely profitable, Internet and direct marketing methods in your business.

A statement I’ve heard Dan Kennedy quote is: “YOU CAN’T LEARN TO RIDE A BICYCLE IN A SEMINAR”. To really get it, you have to get on the bike. That’s why, for the first time ever this year, we did what so many people had begged us to do — we let them come right inside our offices for two whole days, look over our shoulders, quiz our staff, and have us show them exactly how we DO our business.

We limited it to 15 people each time, and that was cramped. We called this our “Office Field Trip” — kind of like those field trips you took in high school to the candy factory or shoe factory or whatever.

These people saw everything. We went online and found mailing lists together. We did a broadcast FAX and monitored the business it generated in real time. We talked to vendors, like printers and mailing houses, on the speaker-phone. The group eavesdropped on customer service calls. We put our Websites up and dissected them, showing exactly why we did what we did and how it worked. No father, no matter how well-intentioned, was ever this thorough teaching his son the family business! In fact, you might compare this to having a rich uncle take you behind-the-scenes of his successful company and let you in on every secret.

These people looked right over our shoulders and virtually experienced everything we do.

No one ever offered me such an opportunity.

These people snooped and dug and asked every imaginable question. They even sat (some on the floor) and had Dan Kennedy painstakingly explain “THE BIG SECRET” to making big money in the information business (or ANY other marketing drivenbusiness)…… a FINANCIAL SECRET rarely discussed anywhere but in his private consulting (at $6,800.00 a day).…. that I have NEVER heard anyone else reveal in a seminar, on a tape, anywhere.

In fact, here’s what one attendee, Jeff Gardner, had to say after he heard Dan’s compelling talk about “THE BIG SECRET”:

“I’ve attended many of Dan’s seminars, I’ve spent hundreds of hours listening to his audio tapes, I’ve invested thousands of dollars to be a Member of his Platinum Inner Circle Group… and this is the first time I’ve ever heard him talk about ‘the big secret’. As a result of hearing this invaluable, new information, I will immediately make changes in the way I run my business.”

The attendees of the Field Trip SAW FIRST-HAND how my “money machine” in the direct marketing business ACTUALLY WORKS. (And I insist these same techniques apply to other kinds of businesses, and we did have many people here spying for use in other types of businesses.)

Anyway, you simply could not dream up or find a more valuable, practical experience..… a more powerful shortcut to success.…. than this.

Unfortunately, you were NOT here.

And, since we simply cannot bring more than 15 people at a time into this situation, we charged $4,900.00. Probably will need to charge more in the future, if we do this at all, again. It disrupts our business. It forces people to travel. And, while it is a one-of-a-kind, hands-on experience, it does “evaporate” right afterward.

Shortly before our last Field Trip, Dan Kennedy made a suggestion to me, and laid down a challenge to me. Here is what Dan said:

“There have to be a lot of people who would really want and benefit from this, but cannot handle the $4,900.00 price tag, or the travel. There has to be a way to get this on tape, into a box — without turning it into an ordinary seminar. Why don’t you replicate the ‘Field Trip’ on video?””Further,” Dan said, “It’ll be a win-win for everybody. After all, the most number of people you and John and your staff can handle the way you’re doing it is about 60 in a whole year, and there will still be more than that who’ll want to get in here in person, so you won’t lose a thing by doing this. Everybody else’ll win by bringing the Field Trip Experience to them, and having it permanent rather than temporary, to go through more than once, or reference. Heck, I’d like to have it myself.”

Well, figuring out how to get this on video wasn’t easy. This is not people in a hotel meeting room with a speaker on stage.

This is a tiny group, prowling around my office, looking over shoulders, poking in Websites, spying on phone conversations, sitting around in a circle in my office discussing the innermost nitty-gritty details of my business operations.

We had to squeeze in the videographer, camera, lights, and so on, so we could capture almost everything on video. We hooked up my computer to a big screen, so we could project the Websites, software, reports, etc. that everybody looked at onto that screen, and video it — in many cases, it’s even directly zapped into the video. Anyway, when we are looking at the computer screen, so are you, on video.

This isn’t a Hollywood-perfect film.

But it is the closest thing to being the 16th person here for those 2 days as you can get.

And just how much could it be worth to you??? — to be able to spend two days in my office, seeing exactly how I make as much as $10,000.00 PER DAY using many of the marketing techniques Dan Kennedy teaches. These are techniques that ANY person can use in ANY business — of course, what you’ll see on this “Field Trip” is my information marketing/direct marketing businesses in action. You get to peer over my shoulder, listen in on all my “private conversations,” see exactly how I choose my mailing, FAX, and e-mail lists, see exactly how my staff keeps my “money train” rolling along..… and then hear the attendees ask me, John Alanis or Dan Kennedy any question they want..… ANY question!

In other words, how would you like to spend one-on-one time with me, Dan and my staff where we reveal the “science behind the magic” so you too, can duplicate my highly successful, extremely profitable, direct/Internet marketing methods in your business? Remember — this is NOT a seminar or a lecture, this is a “live, as it’s happening” online and offline marketing experience. You’ll get to see every little detail of how I run my business, how I turn paper and electrons into pure cash, and how you can easily duplicate my success.

If you’ve ever felt “stuck” or confused as to exactly how to IMPLEMENT the marketing strategies you’ve learned from books, tapes, even big seminars, then this “Office Field Trip On Tape” is for you.

Seminar speakers always seem to leave out the details — or just take your business operations for granted — the ones that can kill even the best idea. You see, nobody, even the best and the brightest direct marketers, talk about “business operations.” But, the truth of the matter is, the operations part of your business is as important as the marketing. No matter how good the idea is, it’s worthless if you can’t implement it, and overcome the very real operational challenges present in any business. Well, finally, you get to SEEHOW IT REALLY GETS DONE….. two entire days in our offices SHOWING you how to easily implement PROFITABLE direct/Internet marketing in your business, regardless of what business you’re in!

When we decided to put on these Office Field Trips, we wanted to do something different, something that would truly bring this business to life for you. Don’t get me wrong — you can learn a lot going to seminars and listening to an expert lecture from the front of the room. But there’s a big, big difference between hearing about something, and actually being there, witnessing money being made live and un-scripted, seeing operations and marketing working together in harmony. It’s the difference between hearing about something, and actually experiencing it for yourself. Or, perhaps a better analogy would be, the difference between watching a ball game on TV, and actually playing in the middle of one.

These “Smart Marketing Field Trips” did not take place in meeting room of a hotel. We did these in the “living room” of our office, the place where my staff, John Alanis, and I (and sometimes Dan) meet and brainstorm million dollar ideas. It’s the “epi-center” of the live action.

Now a real-time duplication of all this can come to you,
rather than you coming to it.

James Bond would envy this kind of spying! No planes to parachute out of, no walls to climb over, no guards to get by, no bullets to dodge. Spying while sitting comfortably in a leather chair, feet up on the ottoman, warmed by the fire in the fireplace, one of those shaken-not-stirred beverages on the side table.

We DID get it right. We put you in as one additional person, via these video tapes.You even see us do a real, live marketing campaign while you’re “in” the office. You hear the phones ring in the background, the FAX machine printing out orders, the mail being delivered, and experience the ongoing ebb and flow of money being made with the EXACT techniques we’ll be showing you. YOU EXPERIENCE IT ALL, JUST AS IF YOU WERE HERE.

Are These Field Trip “Spy Tapes” For You?

Why should you be excited about this?

Maybe you’ve been “getting ready to get going” with some kind of direct marketing business but you haven’t been able to actually get going yet — maybe you feel overwhelmed by all the details of “getting started,” you understand everything conceptually, but need the nitty-gritty blanks filled in.

Well, guess what? The excuses and delays end here — spend two days with me, Dan, John, and my staff (right smack in the middle of the live action in my office, witnessing everything that happens) via these “spy videos”, then there will be absolutely NO reason why you shouldn’t immediately begin earning an extra $10,000.00, $25,000.00, $50,000.00, or more PER MONTH utilizing many of the marketing techniques Dan teaches, doing exactly what you watch us do.

Maybe you’ve already got a very successful business and know you can “turbo-charge it” by doing some of the things we do. (Incidentally, without blushing, I can tell you, we are REALLY DOING some of the most innovative, profitable things with the Internet AND REALLY MAKING SOME SERIOUS MONEY DOING THEM. If you want to see how real money is really made minute by minute with Websites and e-mail, this is the place.)

Before we ever did the first Field Trip, we had one guy, the owner of a very successful company in Europe, offer us $50,000.00 to come and hang out in our office for a couple days, snoop, spy and ask questions. I’m not sure how much it’ll be worth to you, but $50,000.00 certainly is a reasonable number.

Because this is “REALITY TV” unlike any other — this is the up close, personal REALITY of how big money is really made…..

Wonder how I choose a mailing list? I’ll show you. Not sure how to go about having a direct mail campaign sent out for you? I’ll show you how I get my vendors to do it right every time, while you’re in my office, via video. Want to know how to set up a broadcast FAX to generate cheap, FAST leads for your business? We’ll do a real, live FAX while you’re “here” — and I’ll show you the results as they come in, in real time. Watch us operate as the money goes right into our bank account..… and see how you can duplicate this for yourself. Would you like to see how our database is set up? I’ll show you that too. You’ll even “virtually” sit in front of our spreadsheet program as we reveal real, live numbers on some of our actual marketing campaigns — and with this information, you can actually guarantee your success with direct marketing (we even give you this proprietary ‘direct marketing spreadsheet program’ on a diskette so you can use it, too).

See How We Make Money On The Internet Every Day!

You spend time with Jennifer, our in-house Website/Internet Marketing Manager, and she shows you how to drive a ton of traffic to your Website and how to capture the names of people who visit your site, so you can continue to market to them — just like we do. You’d be AMAZED at how much money even a small operation makes with the Internet nowadays. But you have to know what you are doing — or you can lose a ton of dough fast. We’ll show you how to keep the money automatically rolling in from the Internet — again, exactly what we really do, what is actually working for us.

See “Outsourcing” In Action —
How To Get The Grunt Work Done FOR You…

Have you ever felt uncomfortable, or maybe just a bit confused when dealing with vendors? Like you knew you should call them, but didn’t know what to ask or who to talk to..… and you didn’t want to feel out of control? Well, guess what: while you’re “here”, we’ll put our vendors on the hot seat! Printers, mailing house, broadcast FAX service, all the people you need to make your business run. That’s right, we’ll get them live on our speaker-phone system, and hear us and the attendees ask them questions. You even watch and listen as we talk with my printer about a printing job for a direct mail campaign, and you also get to see us discuss this with the mailing house.

PLUS, I’ll reveal… how to ‘outsource’ your marketing by using the same vendors we use who will do most of the work for you*… my hidden secrets to getting the absolute best deal from any vendor (and get you set up with the same low rates I’ve negotiated for my business*)..… secrets to profitably managing your marketing..… how I come up with my marketing ideas..… and much, much more!

*Many of the previous Field Trip attendees have told us that these two things alone are worth more than the fee to attend.

These “Spy Videos” Put You Right Smack In The Middle Of The Action,
Just As If You Were With Us On An Actual ‘Field Trip’

Here’s everything I’ve assembled in the “Basic Package”, to bring this entire Field Trip Experience right into your living room:

There’s over 11 hours on VIDEO. The video is even indexed by hour and subject matter. Of course, you’ll want to watch it all through once from start to finish, just like being here. But then this stays handy, as a reference (you’ll probably use often), and the index lets you get right to what you need to see again (or show to someone else).

The soundtrack of the video is also on 10 audio tapes, so you can listen to some or all of this repeatedly, conveniently. There’s a mountain of insider information here, and you’ll definitely want to hear it more than once. There’s an index for the audio tapes, too.

A Reference Manual with edited transcripts of the 10 audio/video tapes so you can make notes and refer to key ideas and strategies easily.

The complete Field Trip 3-Ring Binder Manual, exactly as it was provided at the Field Trips. This manual is jam-packed with our insider notes, tips, secrets, and step-by-step instructions for many of the marketing techniques and business operations you’ll witness on the tapes.

You also get use of a special, password-protected Website (only past Field Trip attendees had access to this site, and now you will too!) this site contains the contact information and instant Website links of all the vendors and suppliers, resources, contacts and marketing tools we dealt with or even mentioned at the Field Trip….. think of it as a “million dollar resource directory” on steroids. This same site also contains sample joint venture letters, sales letters, even the internal business forms we actually use, that you see during the Field Trip. With your “secret decoder password”(!), you get into this “Field Trip Graduates Only” Website and can use it whenever you like, as often as you like. 

What Kind Of Hefty Price Tag’s Attached To All This?

Remember, the fee to come here for the Field Trip has been (until now) $4,900.00 per person. Plus, of course, travel costs, hotel, and meals. And time away from your business.

I’ve cut that in half.


And that will be the regular, catalog price: $2,450.00.

But right now, this month only, you can get the entire “Basic Version” of the “Field Trip Experience-In-A-Box” for HALF OFF the catalog price — just $1,225.00 (plus $18.50 shipping and handling). Or, you can make 3 easy payments of just $408.33.

Not a hefty price tag at all.

In fact, any one part of the package alone is easily worth that, and hundreds of my customers would jump at the chance to get it for that. If you’re smart, you would to. Certainly, any one hour of the Field Trip.…. any one thing shown, experienced here..… whether it’s exactly how we make money with Websites, what Jennifer does to flood our sites with traffic….. or how we get a direct mail campaign out, from idea… to marketing piece… to lists… to vendors… to mail — el zappo….. any ONE of these things seen firsthand, actually done, is clearly worth $1,225.00.

Just the use of the code-protected, restricted-access Website ought to command this much by itself.

Frankly, John argued vehemently against such a low price, so I agreed that it absolutely end this month, at midnight, January 31, 2002. Consider it somewhat of a New Year’s gift.

And I’ll Go Even Further:
How Would You Like It FREE, Instead?

If I offered all this to you FREE, would you grab it?

I’d certainly think so.

Of course, I can’t and won’t do that, but I’ll do the next best thing.

FOR FREE, I’m going to include a Resale Rights License for this “Field Trip Experience-In-A-Box” product (so you can sell it and make money with it, too)….. a diskette containing a sales letter and other marketing documents to sell it… AND a FREE Website customized for you, to sell it online (using the marketing techniques you’ll see on the Tapes!)….. and you can have all the orders you get fulfilled for you onesy-twosy (no inventory to buy or handle) for just 40% of its regular price of $2,450.00. That means you’ll make $1,470.00 (60%) for each sale! JUST ONE SALE AND YOURS IS FREE! (You probably know of a few people you can just e-mail, about this being available, refer them to the Website we give you, and wind up with one – or more – being sold, with no effort at all. You may, of course, want to do more with this. After all, only 100 sales puts $147,000.00 into your hands.)

Anyway, this Resale License and Website should sell for no less than $995.00 to $1,995.00 or more by itself — yours FREE if you order by midnight, January 31, 2002.

If you want to look at it that way, it instantly makes your own “Field Trip Experience-In-A-Box” free. I’ve even made a special FAST START TAPE with John, discussing exactly how to sell this unique product online and offline, using the Website* and marketing materials we give you.

*You also get free Website hosting for six full months. Beginning in the seventh month, your credit card will be charged just $14.75 for continued hosting and maintenance of your Website, which you can cancel at anytime with 30 days notice, and at that time we will unplug your Website.

It Gets Better Still — You Get A $24,500.00,
“Take-It-To-The-Bank” Money-Back Guarantee

Use the insider information you get with these Tapes and Manuals for one full year… use the vendors we recommend… use the cutting-edge Internet marketing techniques we present to you… listen to Dan explain “THE BIG SECRET”… follow the simple techniques for promoting the free Website we set up for you… make money with the Resale License… use everything you get for ONE FULL YEAR. If you don’t feel the information you get on these Tapes, in the Manuals, and on the password protected Website is worth at least 20 times ($24,500.00) in additional income of what you paid, I want you to ask for, and get your money back, even after 12 full months.

The “catch” is…

….only that you need to act now.

You get the “Field Trip Experience-In-A-Box”: the indexed Videos, the indexed Audio Tapes, the transcripts, the Manual, and the use of the password protected Website full of resources… as well as the Resale License, marketing materials, and your custom Website… all for just $1,225.00 (half-price!). But you DO need to quickly fill out the Acceptance Form and return it, preferably right now.

The first 28 people to do that will get a “REBATE CERTIFICATE” entitling them to full credit for the $1,225.00 toward attending future “live” Field Trips or similar “live” training events with us here in Austin. I’ve also arranged with Dan to give each of these first 28 people a $100.00 DISCOUNT CERTIFICATE toward his November 2002 Copywriting Mastery Boot Camp & Workshop. And it can be used in combination, on top of any other discounts you may be entitled to — for example, if you’re one of Dan’s Inner Circle Members. Also, the first 28 to respond will be invited to participate on a Special 90-minute Conference Call where my staff and I will share the details and results of our latest Internet and direct marketing efforts. To be included on this important call, you MUST be one of the first 28 to respond.

I’d guess these “first 28” will be in the door the first 24 hours this offer hits. Whether you order online, by FAX or phone, we’ll log you in correctly, and if you are one of the first 28, you’ll get the Rebate Certificate, Dan’s Discount Certificate, and an invitation to the Special Conference Call.

As I said earlier, in my entire marketing career, I certainly never had an opportunity like this. No one ever invited me behind the scenes, right into their business, with full access to everything and every staff member, to be right in the middle of all the action, to see firsthand how it actually gets done. If anybody had, I would have been there with bells on. No matter what it cost. Or where it was.

Now I’m not only offering you that opportunity, but I’m delivering it to you — and supporting it with a full complement of resources — and even giving you the Rights to re-sell it, free.

About the only thing I’m not doing is adopting you or inviting you over for dinner!

Grab this while you can.


Michael Kimble, President
Group M Marketing, Inc.
Kimble & Kennedy Publishing
“Smart Marketing” Companies

Here is a partial list of the important information revealed,
discussed, and demonstrated on the “Field Trip Spy Tapes”.

P.S. We get lots and lots and lots of questions about running the database, managing the list, keeping track of the results and costs and profits from each different ad, FAX and mailing. You’ll not only see how we’ve been doing all this but you will also get a FREE BONUS VIDEO with my associate, John Alanis, going into detail about our newest software system (designed by Jeff Paul and Jim Fleck), and how it “runs” all our multi-step marketing. Remember, on the Website that is password protected, only for Field Trip attendees and “Field Trip Experience-In-A-Box” owners, you get every joint venture letter, sales letter, internal form, everything we show at the Field Trip and use — yours to download and use too. And you get this extra Bonus Video, showing you the latest evolution in “auto-pilot” marketing. No stone has been left unturned! Every picayune operational, implementation question answered.

P.S. #2: I recently came up with the idea for, and developed, a new and very smart Internet marketing technique that gets a whopping 28% of the people who visits one of my Websites to give us their name, address, and e-mail address — a 28% opt-in rate! (Many of the smartest Internet marketers I know are thrilled if they get just a 10% opt-in rate.) Think about that. Using this unusual technique, 28% of the people who visit this one site give us their name, address and e-mail address!!! This allows us to do multi-step follow-up marketing via auto-responder e-mails and regular snail mail, so we can get even more money out of these Website visitors. On these Field Trip Tapes, Jennifer and I will show you exactly how this innovative “opt-in” technique works, plus, we’ll tell you about the simple “50¢ tool” we created and are using to capture these names. If you’re doing (or would like to do) any type of marketing on the Internet, and would also like to capture the contact information of up to 28% of the people who visit your Website, then getting the details on this one technique alone is easily worth the investment for these “Spy Tapes.”

P.S. #3: Be sure to click here to read the comments from some of the previous Field Trip attendees.

P.S. #4: You can also get the “Deluxe Version” of the “Field Trip Experience-In-A-Box”! 

The “Deluxe Version” includes EVERYTHING you just read about in this letter, PLUSyou get a complete MARKETING LICENSE to sell and profit from Dan Kennedy’s TWO newest products. The two products are: (1) “Dan Kennedy’s Complete, A-Z Information Publishing & Advanced Direct Marketing Business System” (the Tapes, Videos and Manuals from his “Information Marketing Seminar”); AND, (2) “How To Find The Hidden Money In Any Business With Special Profit-Building Systems & Joint Venture Marketing Seminar-In-A-Box” (the Tapes and Manuals from his “Back-End Seminar”).

With this NEW Marketing License, you get: Resale Rights to Dan’s two new products mentioned above, Reprint Rights to the tested and proven sales letters that sell these products, lead-generation ads, FAXes & e-mails, and other marketing materials for both products (all written by Dan!), a custom Website that also sells these products for you, Coaching Calls to help you get going, and more! And, if you have your orders for these products fulfilled by our Fulfillment Center, you need zero inventory, and you keep 80% of the suggested retail prices. The Marketing License Fee for these two products will be $4,549.00 when we make it available in the future. But as part of the “Deluxe Version” of this “Field Trip Tapes Offer,” you can get this License for an additional $1,995.00. (That’s less than HALF-PRICE of the normal Licensing Fee!) This makes the total investment for the Deluxe Version of the Field Trip Experience-In-A-Box only $3,220.00. That’s a whole lot less than what it would’ve cost you to attend the Field Trip in person, PLUS you’re getting a Marketing License to sell two of Dan’s hottest-selling products. Just think, your profit from just 3 sales of the “Information Publishing/Direct Marketing Business System” (a very, very, very “hot” product where you keep $1,596.00 from each sale!) will repay your investment for the “Field Trip Tapes” AND the “Marketing License” to these hot products. I recently did a direct mail and e-mail campaign to a very small list for Dan’s “Info Seminar Tapes” and it generated $42,289.00 in sales — within two weeks! You will NOT have another opportunity to get this new License to Dan’s newest products for LESS than HALF-PRICE.

(FYI: When your customers order Dan’s “Information Publishing/Direct Marketing Business System” from you, here’s what they get: 18 Audio Tapes (90-minutes each — an incredible 27 hours!!!), a Written Transcripts Manual, Dan’s integrated “Money Making Systems Charts & Diagrams”, and a GIANT “Sample Book” of Ads, Sales Letters and Catalog Pages. This product’s suggested retail selling price is $1,995.00. You keep 80% from each order you get ($1,596.00) and forward 20% to cover the costs of having our Fulfillment Center ship the product to your customers for you.

And, when your customers order the “Back-End Tapes”, they get: 10 Audio Tapes, a huge Manual, a “Joint Venture Toolkit” (which includes sample letters and forms they can use to set up joint ventures), and a 236-page “Reference Manual”. This product retails for $649.00, which you keep 80% of ($519.20)

To get the “Deluxe Version” of the “Field Trip Experience-In-A-Box”, which includes the new Marketing License to Dan’s products, check the appropriate box on the

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*** For the first time, and for one time only, I put on an intense 3-day-and-nights seminar where I taught absolutely everything I know about turning info-products into fortunes. Over 250 attended, coming from as far away as Japan and Australia. Each paid at least $3,475.00 to attend. This seminar will never repeat. If you missed it, you missed a rarest-of-rare opportunity to hear from somebody who has really made a fortune and guided many others in doing the same, in the fascinating field of 'information products'. *** As you would guess, the reason for this letter, now, is that we did record the entire 34-hour (!!!) seminar, then carefully edited and condensed those recordings into two "Highlights Packages", one audio, one video, and have made it possible for you to "attend" at home. In this letter, I’m going to tell you all about this unprecedented program, exactly what I revealed, and do everything I can to help you make a wise decision, whether or not you should make the rather substantial investment of time and money required to "attend", via the tapes. This requires a long letter. I know you’re busy, maybe not blessed with patience. But I am serious when I say that no other letter I have ever written has as much potential to dramatically change your life for the better as this one. So I hope you’ll take the time to read it thoroughly. And I must urge you to do so immediately – it includes a very limited HALF-PRICE offer you may not want to miss. The Mythical Alchemist Lives… Maybe you read fables as a kid about medieval alchemists, who claimed the power to turn everything from cloth to dirt into gold, to take nominally valuable raw material and -- presto! -- turn it into enormously valuable gold. The ability to repeatedly and consistently turn paper and ink or blank files or similar conveyances of information into "gold" is modern alchemy. The ability to take one to several pages of sales copy in an ad or sales letter selling information and turn it into hundreds of thousands of dollars is modern alchemy. Wealth from thin air. I seriously question whether there is any other "alchemist" alive on this planet who has demonstrated possessing this power as many times in as many different situations as I have. That’s why even already very accomplished, very successful, very rich info-marketers still seek out my assistance with their projects. And pay gigantic, arguably obscene sums of money for my input.  ...Studying Dan's material has been largely responsible for millions in sales of my products on the Internet.  Personally, studying Dan's material has been largely responsible for millions in sales of my products on the Internet. That's not an exaggeration. And if I had to name my #1 Go-to guy for advice - he's at the very top of the list. In fact, I still regularly pay him over $25,000+ a year for his advice, resources and consultation. Yes, Dan hates his computer and loathes the Internet but when he talks about online marketing - I drop everything and pay attention." Yanik Silver, Should you require evidence of my status as a true, living, breathing alchemist Click hereto find a sampling of info-marketer clients, by name, descriptions of their businesses, and details of my contributions to their wealth. And, you’ll find some comments from such clients. If you take time to review this information, I believe you will find an overwhelming preponderance of proof, compelling reasons for you to obtain what I know about this for your use, for the rest of your life.  ... I owe a lot of my own success to Dan Kennedy ....  I want to thank you for making the A-Z INFO RICHES Seminar available for everyone to profit from - seriously. Information marketing has created more millionaires and financial freedom for more ordinary people than any business in the world, and now anyone can learn this business direct from the undisputed MASTER Dan Kennedy. I owe a lot of my own success to Dan Kennedy and I'm excited in sharing this with everyone too! Ewen Chia The "Super Affiliates' Super Affiliate" DON’T ENVY ME, MY LIFESTYLE. JOIN ME If I don’t make at least a $1,000.00 a day from my information products, almost all of it arriving through my mail, my Websites, the fax machine, I’m very, very grumpy. And I do make that – and more – nearly every day, whether I do any work or not. Last year, my wife, Carla and I took a 7 day Alaska cruise, several other vacations, I took over 70 days off to "fool" around with our racehorses, Carla visited our daughter and new grandson in Washington, D.C. almost every other week for a few months – and the money kept streaming in. The point is – this type of business offers not only the income, but the freedom to live as you please. And I have dozens and dozens of clients who've "modeled" me, and created millionaire lifestyles of their own as "info-marketers." WHY NOT YOU? Imagine..... joining me and many of my clients, "students", and Platinum Members in an ideal "business lifestyle"... owning info-products that once birthed, for as little as a few hundred dollars of investment and a week of work, deliver income year after year after year......orders arriving via the Internet, mail, a phone service, orders being shipped for you, and huge profits flowing into your bank account every day whether you even drop by your office or not, or on a cruise, a beach, in a mountain cabin......having other info-entrepreneurs engaged in joint ventures with you, doing all the "heavy lifting", selling your info-products to their customers, and sending you big checks...... And note, I’m talking about YOUR OWN PROPRIETARY PRODUCTS that you create, own and control – and I promise, even if you can’t write a grocery list or are "all thumbs" at the computer, you CAN quickly develop very valuable info-products of your own. With my life’s blueprint – and my client’s examples – to follow, you CAN develop your own "perfect business".…. Few or NO employees, NO office overhead, most "work" done FOR you by outside vendors, sales done AUTOMATICALLY, little or no personal contact with customers, multiple streams of income from your products – from your own advertising, mailings, Internet marketing AND from distribution by many others..… every time the FAX beeps, money for you! The day’s mail, money for you! Why wouldn’t you want to live such a profitable business lifestyle to the greatest extent possible? So, let me tell you about this "home study package" based on my once-in-a-lifetime, tell-it-ALL seminar you missed, entirely, exclusively and totally devoted to the a-to-z’s of making money with direct marketing and in the information business: YOU GET ME – REVEALING ABSOLUTELYEVERYTHING I DO I taught virtually the entire seminar. From 8:30AM right through to 9:30PM the first two days, 8:30AM – 3:30PM the 3rd, as close to non-stop as humanly possible. There were NO guest speakers, only a few quick "panel discussions." By the way, the longest presentation about info-marketing I’ve ever given at anybody else’s seminar or conference has been two hours. Imagine what I can do with over 30 "classroom" hours! I WANT YOU TO HAVE THIS BEFORE  I STOP WORKING *I’m less than 500 days away from real "semi-retirement", as I write this letter – cutting way, way back on speaking, teaching, consulting. Divesting my businesses. Savvy Marketers from all over the world traveled to hear Dan reveal his secrets for making a bundle in the information publishing and direct marketing business. Even long time pros, some multi-millionaires, couldn't believe all the "pearls of wisdom" Dan shared. I poured my heart and soul into this specialized seminar, which was offered only to my Inner Circle Members, because the information business has enabled me to create such independence and security, I really wanted my Members intrigued with this kind of business to have exactly the same opportunity. Originally, it was my intent to make the seminar itself AND the highlights packages available only to my own Members, each as only a one-time offer. But Michael Kimble has convinced me to "open the doors" via the recordings to any of his customers who have a strong, serious interest in this particular type of business – his words: "it would be a crime to keep it from them and retire with it locked away in your closet ….. it’s almost like taking some powerful secret people could use to improve their lives with you into the grave." So I thought it over, and I have decided I want you to have this, too... I am holding nothing back. Nothing. Every iota of experience, successful AND unsuccessful, and knowledge I have acquired in 25+ years of "info-alchemy" will be laid bare before you.  To prepare, I’ve started the arduous (yet stimulating) task of going back through archival files dating back to 1975; literally a room full, floor to ceiling, wall to wall, of ads, sales letters, products, client files, my own project files; investing months of hard work, organizing everything I want to give you, making sure I leave nothing out, no stone unturned. A sampling of the information I gave out at this seminar -- and kept in the edited pages -- is listed on this page, but it does not even come close to doing justice to everything revealed.  If you want to shortcut your learning curve and begin living a dream lifestyle, do whatever you can to get your hands on this course. . .  Five years ago I quit my customer service job and began marketing information products online. It was a scary leap, but the one thing that made me confident I would succeed was the teachings of Dan Kennedy. No one has launched more successful information publishing empires than Dan Kennedy. I simply followed the footprints he laid out and my life has never been the same. I get up when I want to, I work as much or as little as I want to and the income still comes in pretty much on auto-pilot. The freedom to do what you want, when you want is absolutely incredible. Once you get a taste of it, you’ll never want to do the 9-5 routine again. If you want to shortcut your learning curve and begin living a dream lifestyle, do whatever you can to get your hands on this course. You won’t regret it. James Scott - Longwood,  ... Dan’s seminar saved me from a lot of frustration, wasting a lot of money – and most important – wasting a lot of time.  "There’s a lot of opportunity in the information-products business, but finding the path to success can be like wandering into the forest in ‘The Blair Witch Project.’ Dan’s seminar saved me from a lot of frustration, wasting a lot of money – and most important – wasting a lot of time. In my market, I could never have afforded to waste the time it would have taken me to learn everything that was covered in just   three days." George Columbo, Winter Springs, FL Author,, Absolute Beginner's Guide to Podcasting  The most important piece of advice Dan Kennedy ever gave me was...  ...that you can have the greatest business, product or service in the world but if no one knows about it it will fail. In other words, people will not beat a path to your door if you have a better mouse trap. He taught me that I am not in the ‘information product’ business I am in the business of “marketing” information products. That is not a symantic distinction, it’s a distinction you have to make if you’re going to stay in business and make it profitable. And if I didn’t wake up to that fact, I’d be doomed to a life of failure. Thank God and Dan I did see it and took it to heart. Thanks Dan. David Vallieries, AN OPPORTUNITY THAT WILL NOT REPEAT No, I will NEVER present this seminar again. People who were there got my entire "bag of tricks", and no one else ever will. The next best thing is this Highlights Package – and it, too, is going to be released ONLY ON A LIMITED BASIS. I have authorized Michael to sell only 500 of them, period. Why the limit? Well, I just prefer the idea that we are sharing secrets.…. at least information known to and used by a select few, and I’m able to afford and indulge all my eccentricities. You’ll even find a Non-Disclosure Clause on the Registration Form. You must agree to it, to obtain this package. If you procrastinate, you may very well have your order refused – and find everything "sold out." Reserve Now! We Will Dissect The Frog And Leave No Body Part Whole We looked at every single aspect of making money with info-products in minute detail. From market selection to media and list choices to product development to the back-end business and multiple income streams. To every question you can imagine bringing to the table. (With one exception: database management, technical computer stuff.) Think about "product development" just for example. Heck, anybody can slap together product. But there are dozens and dozens of "little" nuances and tricks I’ve learned -- or invented -- that impact on everything from price and margin to refunds to up-selling. You need a complete strategy for putting out a product that will be "hot", eagerly accepted, have staying power, provide maximum profits. There are several very smart questions that ought to be asked and answered before putting together any info-product, that rarely are. With what I can tell (and show) you about "product" alone will be worth your investment to acquire this system. You might double the profits from a product you were going to do anyway… might save a lot of cost or agony.....OR you might get a whole new product idea that’ll turn into hundreds of thousands of dollars. Or "direct mail" -- is there anybody around who has created as many successful sales letters for as many different info-products, year in, year out, for 25 years?I doubt it. And I will show you and hammer home just THREE "SECRETS" you must incorporate every time you go down this path, that provide iron-clad insurance against failure. While others admit to "batting averages" of one success out of dozens of attempts, I hit base hits virtually every time at bat, and giant home runs about 25% of the time. (That’s why, as a hired-gun copywriter, 80% of all clients who've used me once have come back and hired me repeatedly. BUT these three secrets do NOT require masterful copywriting to pay off for you.) I’m also going to tell you what I’ve learned by carefully studying a number of legendary info-product marketers, some you’ll know, some you may not have heard of (but should have!) Dean F. DuVall, Jim Straw, George Haylings, Alan Shawn Feinstein, Joe Karbo, Harvey Brody. I’m even going to unveil brand new ideas for info-product marketing, that you’ll be the first to hear about and consider. Jeff Paul, T.J. Rohleder, and Mal Emery during a break at Dan's Info Riches Seminar Barry Rutten,   Ken McCarthy,     John Alanis and Tom Hoobyar  enjoying the Info Riches Seminar Every square inch of the "frog" will be put under the microscope and examined from every direction, I promise you that. And the "best of all" is in this, my"Complete, A-Z Information Publishing & Advanced Direct Marketing Business System." Here, let me check off some of the most important "secrets" definitely included in this "Info-Publishing/Direct Marketing Business System"  Examples of "guerrilla warrior approaches" to launching or testing new info-businesses with cheapskate budgets – for example: how I launched my first info-products, in tiny target markets, with "free" lists. KNOWING WHAT I HAVE LEARNED OVER 20 YEARS, AT CONSIDERABLE EXPENSE, ABOUT CHOOSING A MARKET, SLICING ‘N DICING THAT MARKET, DISCOVERING ITS MOST BURNING, PASSIONATE DESIRES AND MATCHING INFO-PRODUCT OFFERS TO THOSE DESIRES IS TRULY A MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF KNOWLEDGE.  Analytical examination of dozens and dozens of different successful info-products... classics, contemporary, brand new..…what makes them sell so well?…..what "ingredients" to build into your info-product to support the strongest possible sales pitch, to assure customer satisfaction, to provide greatest possible profitability.  The exact, detailed criteria I and my clients use to ferret out and target ultra-responsive, rabid markets..…which I’ve never presented in entirety before.  Insights into "niches" and "subcultures", so you can be a more adept "hunter" of prime target markets – fully supported with actual examples "hidden" from the casual observer  Most commonly made, costliest info-product development mistakes to avoid.    How to make product development easier, faster, cheaper.   FIND AND SECURE "RIGHTS" TO THE INFO-PRODUCTS(S) THAT WILL MAKE YOU RICH.   Insider,pro strategies for finding, obtaining, testing and using mailing lists.  How to buy media like an experienced pro – and not be taken advantage of.  Media choices offering low-cost/high-yield: Broadcast FAX, postcards, oversize postcards, package inserts, ride-alongs.  How to exploit many different "distribution opportunities" for your info-products requiring NO AD OR MARKETING DOLLARS OF YOUR OWN, and tapping into others’ carefully guarded customers.  An exhaustive, in-depth look at Joint Ventures, arguably the highest-profit way to multiply your wealth based on a "solid" info-product. EXACTLY HOW TO PUT TOGETHER A MULTI-FACETED MARKETING MACHINE THAT WILL SERVE YOU WELL DAY IN, DAY OUT, POTENTIALLY FOR YEARS AND YEARS TO COME.    Hundreds of "little tricks" that pay off big – like the phone number "gimmick" that boosts response to almost any ad or broadcast-FAX by 30% to 40%. Like: what to add to an order form to boost net profits by 25% or more.   How to take a once effective but dying ad and give it new life, with one simple change.   Hundreds of "little nuances" shown to you in ads, letters, FAXes, etc. both for selling to new customers and to established customers….. A LIFETIME OF MY MOST EFFECTIVE WORK, INCLUDING EXAMPLES THAT I HAVE NEVER BEFORE SHOWN IN SEMINARS OR PUBLISHED ELSEWHERE. In total, you get a truly COMPLETE "PICTURE" of an info-business, from the very first ad to acquire the very first customer all the way to a mature business with 2/3rds to 3/4ths of its income derived from the "back end", with continuity and renewable income, periodic BIG paydays, a complex matrix of profit centers and income streams…..a business engineered for near 100% auto-pilot operation, for the ideal lifestyle…..a business generating both current, high income and long-term equity, value and wealth. I believe you will be INSPIRED by this "picture"… will PROFIT from this comprehensive inside-look, more detailed understanding… will be fully equipped to launch OR to "super-charge" your own info-business. Examples, Examples, Examples ...And More Examples! From 43 or 44 hours of classroom time and hundreds and hundreds of examples shown and discussed, I’ve hand-picked THE most useful and valuable minutes, THE most valuable models, cut out all the "chaff", and built a HIGHLIGHTS PROGRAM that compresses, condenses and efficiently presents my entire, systemized, step-by-step approach to developing a hugely profitable "info empire." From my archives: THE very first ads I ever wrote and ran, for my first info-products, and for my first clients.….one of my earliest sales letters for info-products and the amazing "secret" it contains….. Examine some of my longest-running, most profitable ads, including "An Open Letter From A Once-Flat-Broke Nebraska Housewife"…..Joe Polish’s lead generation ads.…. Unique, unusual envelope designs that get opened.….Order Forms designed with "rocket science" thoroughness and precision to maximize response. Powerful, high-performing sales letters, including the current Nightingale-Conant "control" for my MAGNETIC MARKETING SYSTEM.Examples from clients and attendees at this seminar…..those selling to business niches, hobbyists, "unusual", offbeat markets..…my "Why Would A Wealthy Man…?" letter that made millions for a client. Little "lift notes" and "Post-it Notes" that give big boosts to response. Join me in dissecting and analyzing "million dollar sales letters"…..letters I’ve been paid $25,000.00 to $100,000.00 to write, letters that have literally created million dollar successes from scratch. You even get examples of "raw copy" as I delivered to clients, before it was ultimately turned into successful direct-mail campaigns, so you see the "evolutionary process" from the very beginning – for example, one renewal campaign that converted 2/3rds of a client’s customers from "low price" to "high price." Original lead-generation ads that launched million dollar info-businesses – actual ads from over a dozen different individuals shown and discussed. Examples of "winner" and "loser" ads for the same product, why one worked, the other didn’t. Dan Kennedy – Info Riches And Advanced Direct Marketing
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Dan Kennedy – Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs Seminar
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Dan Kennedy – Midas Touch Library Complete
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Dan Kennedy – Field Trip Spy Tapes 19 CD + Videos
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